NFT, the Hot Potato of 2021: Hype? Is it the Next Big Thing?

Non-fungible tokens have applications beyond selling funky JPEGs and in-game items

NFTs: Is The Spotlight-Stealing Blockchain Tech A Cash Grab Or The Next Big Thing?

NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens

A $560K New York Times column. Beeple’s $69M JPEG. A $7M Cryptopunk icon. Jack Dorsey’s $2.9M tweet.

NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which emerged as the hottest trend keyword in 2021, reached $200 million in March alone, especially in the art sector, with transaction volume skyrocketing.

NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens

NFTs provide a means to monetize replicable digital goods by being able to prove the scarcity, origin, and ownership of digital goods.

A New York Times article is $560,000, a JPEG image by a digital artist is $69 million, and a tweet by Jack Dorsey is $2.9 million

NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens

NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens

Source: cbinsights

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